If in doubt, go mystic

Back at my weekly sit spot after my 7 day sitspot for NAIDOC week. Let’s keep Healing Country.

I had a flock of crimson rosellas fly in and sit up in the branches of about four chestnut trees. They often do this, but usually move about, sing and then fly off. Today they all just sat there as still as can be for about 20 minutes. It’s as if they were doing the sitspot with me.

I’ve been musing over the question, ‘What would Jesus do?’ I don’t actually know any Christians who ask this, but it seems to me that the answer begins with sitspots and wilderness fasting quests.

If in doubt, go mystic!

You can read more of Jane’s reflections on Instagram: @rewildingchristianity

Looking up chestnut tree to pale green leaves and pale sky

Growing food


Seeing with new eyes