Newsletter March 2022
A bit of shedding our skin to make way for growth, a few startling encounters, a bit of basking in the sun. That's what has been happening here as summer coaxes us out of isolation and we begin to open up with more community events and retreat activities.

Gembrook at dusk
Our friend Miriam wrote this poem during her writer’s retreat in the cabin.

Juggling in Gembrook
Caleb filmed himself juggling at various locations on the land, to the song ‘A Child Was Born Here’ sung by Archie Roach.

Rewilding Christianity
Rewilding practices are deep within the Christian tradition but we have predominantly lost them. ‘Be still and know that I am God.’ Being still in nature, which is God’s creation, can lead us to a deeper understanding of God.

Newsletter December 2021
It's been a cool wet spring. In November we had another round of wild winds, and this time we had tree branches drop across both driveways. A mother tawny frogmouth managed to ride out the weather on an exposed branch over the dam and give birth to a little bundle of fluff. One of our recent cabin guests even invited us down to the dam one evening to sing with the frogs!

Being vegan
The household at Gembrook Retreat is choosing to be vegan. The residents have each come to this decision in different ways and at different times.

Reducing our single use packaging
We have become aware of how plastic and other single use packaging creates unnecessary and damaging pollution. We are experimenting with a range of methods to reduce our reliance on single use packaging, starting with food.

Newsletter September 2021
We had some wild winds in the Dandenongs over winter, though we had minimal damage compared to other areas. Our power went out for a few days, and we came to appreciate candles and the fireplace. One big tree branch even fell where the caravan had been located just a month earlier.

Growing food
At Gembrook Retreat, we believe that one way to live a soulful life is to be aware and involved in the ways we eat and source our food.

If in doubt, go mystic
Back at my weekly sit spot after my 7 day sitspot for NAIDOC week. Let’s keep Healing Country.

Seeing with new eyes
As I get ready to celebrate NAIDOC Week and learn from the Indigenous community how to Heal Country, I accept who I am. I am rich, privileged and 5th/6th generation coloniser, who benefits 100% from the horrific war my people began in order to occupy this land.

Newsletter May 2021
While a lot of my nature connection practices have come from outside Christianity I am always amazed at how much Jesus’ own spiritual practices seem much more connected to nature practices or Indigenous cultures' way of life. When I sit and reflect deeply on the passages below I wonder why, as Christians, we don’t say the first thing you need to do is find a deserted place in creation where you will regularly sit on your own.